I keep hearing coaches say that business owners don’t need a website to grow their business online.

They’re wrong.

If you are looking for sustainable growth, want to stop acting as if you work for Instagram, and want your business to attract your ideal clients while you enjoy your kids, go on vacation, or do client work, then you need a website.

The truth is, Instagram is not a marketing or sales strategy. You don’t own the platform, it can be shut down at any time, and your content has an extremely short lifespan.

A website is yours forever.

Let’s dig into what your website is used for and how a website can accelerate your business growth.

AuthorAmanda Washburn

Do you struggle with writing captivating content in a timely manner?

I recently asked my Instagram community to share what they struggle with most when it comes to writing. The challenges they shared were all too common and ones I witness business owners fighting every day.

One day the struggle is not being able to think of anything to write, other days it’s spending way too much time editing. Some of these struggles, especially when experienced over and over again, make us feel like writing content isn’t worth it. But it is.

Are you getting the most out of your blog?

The thing is, blogging takes a lot of time, brainpower, and creativity. Those resources are in high demand as a small business owner, and frankly, I don’t want you to waste them! When you think about your blog, are you doing it just because you feel like you have to? Or do you have a clear strategy that guides you on what you need to do to make your blog work for you and boost your business?

As you read through this blog post, take an honest look at your blog. Ask yourself what you could be doing to leverage your blog to leverage your business. Not only will it help you get a better ROI, but it will help you serve your customers more effectively!

Many business owners want to showcase the products or services their company offers, but aren’t sure how. When you have a variety of offerings, it’s easy to create brochures that have too much information and are not that enticing. What you need is a marketing piece that is focused, easy-to-read, and compelling.

Your business needs a one-sheet (or a series of them!).

Keep reading to find out what exactly a one-sheet is, get the ultimate one-sheet checklist, and learn how you can use this tool productively for your business.