
What words come to mind when you think about your business and how you want to present yourself to your customers? How do you want to make your customers feel?⁠⁠
When I started this business back in 2014, there wasn't a lot of strategy behind the visual brand. I didn't see a connection between my logo and the colors I used to how I appealed to my customers. This time around, everything is different. Working with RuthAnn at R Artspace was an enlightening experience and brought clarity to my vision. ⁠⁠

The words I hope that will come to mind as you get to know me and Rough Draft Solutions are: ⁠⁠

  • Approachable ⁠⁠

  • Value-focused⁠⁠

  • Empathetic⁠⁠

  • Collaborative⁠⁠

  • Relatable⁠⁠

  • Motivating⁠⁠

  • Timeless⁠⁠

  • Curious⁠⁠

  • Encouraging⁠⁠

  • Refreshing⁠⁠

I love these words. The inspiration board RuthAnn made to showcase the vision behind the RDS brand refresh fits these words perfectly.⁠⁠

When you see my work, I hope you feel like you can take a deep breath.

I want you to remember that you didn't get into business to do everything by yourself. You are the expert on your business, and you have value to offer. Your job is to deliver on your promise to your customers. ⁠⁠

It makes sense that you would need help finding the right words to communicate with your dream clients. ⁠⁠
When we take the focus off of ourselves and purposefully think about how we want to make our customers feel, we can gain perspective. Remembering the values at the core of our businesses can help us be more intentional and get creative about the solutions we offer.⁠⁠
What are 3 words that you hope come to mind when your customers see your work or interact with your business? Share in the comments!

AuthorAmanda Washburn